sustainable eco friendly and organic products

"little step towards better lifestyle"

  • we all know that now a days only about 9% of all plastic ever made has likely been recycled with 12% of all plastic waste having been incinerated. The remaining 79% has accumulated in either landfill or the natural environment if not still in use.
  • This page is all about sustainable products free from plastic and eco- friendly for giving better tomorrow for the further generations .
  • replacing all your household plastic with sustainable options is the need of the hour .
  • so here we provide all the eco friendly products together to show you just how easy it can be to replace some of the plastic products you buy and support local artisans.
  •  our products are wooden brushes, wooden combs, toothpowder, wooden and steel straws,cloth napkins,eco-friendly house cleaners, cooper, steel and clay water bottles , and we also do have all the organic fruits and vegetables.                                                                

green pan cakes


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